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2023-04-10 17:40:03高考作文访问手机版375




I experience the country life back to grandma's house, the thick Spring Festival atmosphere, open bonfire party with little brothers and sisters, merry to play!Saw the first dinosaur show, to know a lot of "new friends" -- Utah a dragon, dragon river Styx, lambeosaurus, also know a lot about the knowledge of the dinosaurs; At the time of playing live-action CS, experienced soldiers hard and hard!Yesterday, I experienced a memorable skiing again!Beautiful, four friends together and I went to the famous eu ski resort, we brought together the equipment, clothing, in situ before me to learn how to slide, as the society, is imperceptible to the bottom slip! Ah, this can be how do ah, I'm not ready yet to slip away? I had to summon up courage to keep your body balance to go downhill slide, ah, I didn't fall, I was so happy! Behind a few times, I adopted some methods, such as downhill in the poles struck the ground, so that you can control the speed, finally can turn, friends still ask my way! When we will slip, raced downhill, as a few eagle soaring in the sky. Then went to having snow park, there are also play of delight!We use this happy day said goodbye to the winter vacation life, in the rest of three days, I want to improve my winter vacation homework, prepare for a new challenge!


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